Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Goddess Bone Carving Pendants 009-012

Bone Necklace | Bone Carving | Antler Jewelry, Goddess Bone Carving Pendants 009-012 are made from buffalo bone and the size is around 6-8 cm height. As you see that the carved bone pendants displays goddess bone pendants and flower goddess carved bone pendant.

All of Goddess Bone Carving Pendants can be used as bone necklace by add a bone string or cord or even silver chain. This bone pendant already set with sterling silver bale.

Goddess Bone Carving Pendants can be purchased in wholesale. We sell this carved bone pendant with sterling silver bale only.

Goddess Bone Pendants 009
Goddess Bone Pendants 009
Goddess Bone Pendants 010
Goddess Bone Pendants 010
 Flower Goddess

Goddess Bone Pendants 011
Goddess Bone Pendants 011
Goddess Bone Pendants 012
Goddess Bone Pendants 012

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